On behalf of the organizing committee of the 5th AOC in Rwanda, Kigali, INOFO invites Organic Farmers from within Africa, representing their Organic Farmers’ Organizations (OFOs) to submit presentations for the farmers’ Track:
- Sharing experiences, innovations and breakthroughs within the existing Agro-Food Systems in their communities, forestry operations, farms and markets.
- Exhibit pathways of how organic farmers can address the challenges relating with achieving Resilient and Sustainable Food Systems in Africa in diverse settings to showcase progress, inspire innovation and promote sustainability.
For more details including information on the conference registration fees.
Note: You can also find the Farmers’ track call details on www.inofo.bio
Guidelines for farmers’ track presentation:
- Abstract Content: Title of Presentation: Maximum of 25 words. Length of abstract must range between 100-250 words; Font type & Size: Times New Roman 12, 1.5 spacing. The abstract should offer a summary of what will be presented in a 10-slides PowerPoint presentation with mostly pictures showing the practice(s) or innovation(s) related to the theme of the event.
- OR; Poster size: Preferably A0 paper size (1189 mm x 841 mm). The poster should have the following:A title of the presentation (maximum of 25 words), followed by author(s), affiliates, and contact email of corresponding author; Name of participating Organic Farmer Organisation represented; Clear bold fonts readable in a glance; More photos, flow charts, illustrations, less words.
- OR a short video of up to 5 minutes.
- Note: All submissions should have the Particulars of Presenter: Full Name of Presenter, Organic Farmer Organisation, Address details, email and telephone number (WhatsApp Number).
All Abstracts, PowerPoint Presentations, Poster presentations or Short videos for the Farmers track should be submitted by e-mail to the Selection Committee of the Farmers’ Track Presentations on the following email: africa@inofo.bio
Extended deadline for submission of presentations (Abstracts, PowerPoint Slides, Poster Presentation or Short Video):31st October 2023
Notification of Participants on accepted Presentations: 10th November 2023.