Intercontinental Network of Organic Farmers Organisations, co-organised the first International webinar on “Organic Sri Lanka: On the Path to Sustainability” along with Lanka Organic Agriculture Movements (LOAM), IFOAM Asia, IFOAM Organics International, Regeneration International and Global Alliance for Organic Districts (GOAD). We had a total of 202 participants in the zoom room and another 279 who watched it on facebook live. After the key note presentations from Dr Hans Herren (President, Millennium Institute, Creator of Biovision Foundation), Dr Vandana Shiva (Chair of Navdanya, Recipient of the Right Livelihood Award), Dr. Ranil Senanayake (Founder – International Analog Forestry Network) and Andre Leu (Director, Regeneration International, Author of the “Myths of Safe Pesticides”), INOFO President, Ms Shamika Mone gave the solidarity support from the Inter-continental Network of Organic farmers Organisations. She said, “As organic farming is a knowledge intensive activity there is an enormous difference of being a staff in an organisation and being on the fringes and to actually get into the farm field and grow your own food for a living. Hence, we must include expert organic farmers on ground for knowledge sharing among farmers and for organic to have a wider reach and extension through the Governments. Else as the experience shows the plan will rarely reach to completion of 100% Organic. She extended knowledge sharing support from the expert Sri Lankan farmers as well as internationally through INOFO.

INOFO commits to supporting organic farmers on the ground
INOFO Communications
INOFO President, Ms Shamika Mone gave the solidarity support from the Inter-continental Network of Organic farmers Organisations.