INOFO at Biofach 2024

INOFO Communications
INOFO's Successful Representation at BIOFACH International 2024 We are thrilled to share the highlights of our representation at the BIOFACH International 2024 held in Nuernberg, Germany, from February 14 to 16. Our delegation participated in various activities aimed at promoting organic farming, empowering livelihoods, and fostering valuable connections within the global organic community. Activity Overview…

INOFO’s Successful Representation at BIOFACH International 2024

We are thrilled to share the highlights of our representation at the BIOFACH International 2024 held in Nuernberg, Germany, from February 14 to 16. Our delegation participated in various activities aimed at promoting organic farming, empowering livelihoods, and fostering valuable connections within the global organic community.

Activity Overview

Our engagements at BIOFACH were diverse and productive, ranging from panel discussions to networking sessions and exhibitions. Here’s a glimpse of what we accomplished:

1. Participation in Panels

We actively contributed to panel discussions focusing on crucial topics such as livelihood empowerment and the resilience of Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) for women in organic farming. These sessions allowed us to share our insights and experiences, positioning INOFO as a key player in the organic agriculture discourse.

2. Networking and Collaborations

We forged valuable connections with organizations and IFOAM regional bodies, laying the groundwork for potential collaborations that can benefit our members. Strengthening bonds with partners from Madagascar and beyond, we explored opportunities to promote organic farming practices and expand our reach.

3. Representation Opportunities

INOFO members seized opportunities for representation through initiatives like the Import Promotion Desk (IPD). Two of our members from Brazil and India had the chance to exhibit their products and participate in exposure visits, opening doors to new markets and enhancing their visibility on a global scale.

4. Exhibition and Sessions

Our presence at the BIOFACH exhibition showcased the diverse range of organic products from INOFO members worldwide, reinforcing our role in promoting organic agriculture.

Future Prospects

As we reflect on our accomplishments at BIOFACH 2024, we are energized to continue our advocacy efforts and expand our impact on a global scale. The connections made and lessons learned during the event will undoubtedly shape our future initiatives and collaborations, driving positive change for organic farmers and communities worldwide.

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